Blue in Green by Miles Davis Ukulele Chords

If you are looking for Blue in Green ukulele chords, you’ve come to the right place.
You can play versatile instrument Blue in Green using ukulele or guitar.
This song by Miles Davis can also be played by that instruments.

Blue in Green chords has rhythm and included in Kind of Blue (1959) album.
You can also find another musical genres, including jazz ukulele chords, country music ukulele chords, pop ukulele chords, world music ukulele chords, and rock ukulele chords here.

Blue in Green by Miles Davis Ukulele Chords

“Blue in Green” (1959), by Miles Davis
Chord-melody for guitar
Tab and chords

Miles Davis – “Kind of Blue”
Bill Evans – “Portrait in Jazz”


[BbM7b5] [A7#5#9] [Dm9] [Db7b9b5] [Cm11][F13]


[BbM7b5] [A7#5#9] [Dm11]


[E7#9#5] [Am9] [Dm7]
repeat from the beginning once or twice, at this
point, and then move down to the final tab-block
to end


[BbM7b5] [A7#5#9] [Dm6+9]

When playing the song, if possible I subsitute an
open string for a fretted note, because it sounds
better, in my opinion.

For instance, on that A7#5#9 you see up above, the
note on the fifth string could be fretted. If it
were, the number would be a “5”, for the 5th fret
(as opposed to 0, signifying an open string).

But for reference purposes, below I’ve notated the
chords with all their notes fretted. This way, the
diagrams below are movable shapes that can be
played based on any note.

Bottom line corresponds to bass string. Numbers on
frets correspond to finger. X means don’t play
that string. Number under first diagramed fret
indicates the fret number on the guitar.

Here are the chords used in the song. When you fret
them, the melody note is accessible.


BbM7b5 (B-flat, major 7, flat 5)

For “Blue and Green”, I include the open bass E
string in the strum, since it’s the flatted 5th
of the chord, and making it the lowest note
makes it all sound spookier ^____^


A7#5#9 (A 7, sharp 5, sharp 9)

For “Blue and Green”, I play the open 5th
string instead of fretting the 6th string at
the 5th fret. Your decision. But the shape
above is useful rooted on any note.


Dm9 (D minor 9)

Same story for this one: the chord notated
above isn’t fretted the same way in the tab.
Play it any way you want, as long as the chord
sounds right and the melody note is accessible
somewhere in the shape. When I look at it, I
realize that I’m leaving out the minor 3rd
when I play it as the tab indicates. Hmm.


Db7b9b5 (D-flat 7, flat 9, flat 5)


Cm11 (C minor 11)



[F13] [(F] [13)]

To play the most songs, including Blue in Green by Miles Davis by ukulele, the most important basic ukulele chords to learn are C chord, D chord, G chord, and Em chord.
These set you up to play a ton of songs, and each of them is easy to learn.

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