Where the Old Red River Flows by John Hartford Ukulele Chords

If you are looking since Where the Old Red River Flows ukulele chords, you’ve appear to the right place. You bottle play versatile instrument Where the Old Red River Flows using ukulele or guitar.
This song by John Hartford can also be played by a particular instruments. = 

Where the Old Red River Flows

Where the Old Red River Flows

Where the Old Red River Flows chords has rhythm and included in Steam Powered Aereo-Takes (2002) album. You can also detect another musical genres, along with jazz ukulele chords, bucolic music ukulele chords, affected ukulele chords, world cadency ukulele chords, and disco ukulele chords here.

Where the Old Red River Flows by John Hartford Ukulele Chords

Where The Old Red River Flows
John Hartford
Steam Powered Aereo Takes
Banjo tuned E, Key E,Capo 3

Where the Old Red River Flows

Well I’m[E] dreamin’ about Dixie cotton fields and whip[A]poorwills
Where I spent my happy chi[E]ldhood among the rocks and among the r[B7]ills
I can[E] see my dear old mommy as aro[A]und the place she goes
To my home in Louis[E]iana where the old R[B7]ed River flo[E]ws
Hi-lee-oh-layoo you can hear the[E] hippies singing soft and [A]low
On my farm in L[E]ouisiana where the old[B7] Red River fl[E]ows

( guitar )

Well [E]the nights are bright on Broadway and the cit[A]y’s bright as day
On the beach at Con[E]ey Island where the liquors make you [B7]gay
I’m [E]headin’ south tonight dear on th[A]e IC where she goes
To my home in Lo[E]uisiana where the old [B7]Red River fl[E]ows



To play the most songs, among other things Where the Old Red River Flows by John Hartford by ukulele, the most important basic ukulele chords to experience are C chord, D chord, G chord, and Em chord. These brace you up to drama a ton of songs, and exclusive of them is adequate to learn.

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